NGO #15711

جمعية رعاية كبار السن
ِAged Care Association
Main Sector
خدمات الرعاية الإجتماعية
قطاع غزة

جمعية كبار السن هي جمعية فلسطينية تاسست في غزة سنة 1980 تحت رقم 1975 بهدف توفير الرعاية الصحية ( الجسدية والنفسية ) والخدمات الاجتماعية والثقافية والترفيهية عالية الجودة بشكل دائم وبطريقة انسانية لتحسين نوعية كبار السن للفئات المستهدفة من قبل الجمعية للتخفيف عن معاناتهم وتلبية احتياجاتهم ضمن امكانيات الجمعية والدفاع عن حقوقهم ودمجهم في اسرهم والمجتمع من خلال برامج نموذجية وخدمات متكاملة .

تقوم الجمعية بتوفير نادى خاص لكبار السن يشمل كافة الانشطة للمبادرات تثقيفية وورش توعوية لكبار السن من السيدات والرجال بحيث يتم تقسيم الاسبوع الى ثلاث ايام للرجال وثلاث ايام للنساء ( مثل تحفيظ القران - دورات صحية تثقيفية - ورش توعوية بما يخص مناهضة العنف المبنى على النوع الاجتماعى - اكتوبر الوردى - انشطة رياضية بما يخص ممارسة الالعاب لبعض الالات بما يتناسب سنهم واحتياجاتهم - توفير خدمات العلاج الطبيعي والوظيفى - توفير بعض الادوات المساعدة بالشراكة مع المؤسسات الاهلية الاخرى - واخيرا دعم نفسي بالقيام برحلات ترفيهية لكافة المستفيدين 

من الجدير بالذكر عن عدد المستفيدين لدينا ما يقارب 1000 حالة ( نساء ورجال ) في محافظة غزة فقط ،،، نامل التوسع لكافة المحافظات بغرض توفير الدعم النفسي والحياة الكريمة لهم باشغال اوقات ابائنا وامهاتنا من فئات المستهدفين لدينا فمنهم عدد لا بئس به من المتقاعدين ( مدير وكالة - مدرسات - موظفين سلطة - او حتى عاملين ) نقوم بتوجيه خبراتهم في مجال تفعيل الدور الايجابي لكبار السن والاستفادة من خبراتهم ودمجهم بالمجتمع وذلك من خلال توسيع علاقات كبار السن الاجتماعية والمعرفية للمرور بمرحلة شيخوخة امنة من خلال الانشطة المعرفية والترفيهية المقدمة من النادى النهارى والذي سمى باسم (( دار سعاد الاعظمى ) نسبة الى مديرة المدرسة الزهراء الثانوية للبنات في مدينة غزة  لروحها السلام 

ما نحتاجه هو تعزيز الايدى العاملة في الجمعية من مثقفين واعلامين ومدربين ورشات عمل ومرشديين دعم نفسي واخصائيين علاج طبيعي ومساعديين اداريين وغيرهم من العاملين على خدمة الفئات المستهدفة ، بالاضافة الى توسيع انشطة الجمعية للخمس محافظات للوصول الى اكبر عدد ممكن من الرجال والنساء من كبار السن لتقديم خدمات الجمعية .

The Aged Care Association is a Palestinian association established in Gaza in 1980 under No. 1975 with the aim of providing health care (physical and psychological) and high-quality social, cultural and recreational services permanently and in a humane way to improve the quality of the elderly for the groups targeted by the association to alleviate their suffering and meet their needs within the capabilities of the association and defense of their rights living in dignity
The association provides a special social club for the elderly that includes all activities for educational initiatives and awareness workshops, women and men, so that the week is divided into three days for men and three days for women (such as memorizing the Qur’an - educational health courses - awareness workshops regarding combating gender-based violence - Pink October meetings - sports activities related to playing games for some machines commensurate with their age and needs - providing physical and occupational therapy services - providing some assistive tools in partnership with other civil institutions - and finally psychological support by carrying out recreational trips for all beneficiaries

We'd like to inform you that we have about 1000 cases (women and men) in Gaza Governorate only,,, We hope to expand to all governorates in order to provide psychological support and a decent life for them by occupying the time of our fathers and mothers from our target groups, including a good number of retirees ( our beneficiaries (Director agency - teachers - employees of authority -singers – musicians - or even workers) we direct their expertise in the field of activating the positive role of the elderly and benefit from their experiences and integrate them into society by expanding the social and cognitive relations of the elderly by the day club, which was named In the name of ((Dar Suad Al-Azma) relative to the principal of Al-Zahra Secondary School for Girls in Gaza City, for her soul of peace

What we need is to strengthen the workforce in the association including intellectuals, media professionals, trainers, workshops, psychological support counsellors, physiotherapists, administrative assistants and other workers to serve the target groups, in addition to expanding the association's activities to the five governorates to reach the largest possible number of elderly men and women to support them .
Providing a decent life for the aged people in Gaza
The association provides a special social club for the elderly that includes all activities for educational initiatives and awareness workshops, women and men, so that the week is divided into three days for men and three days for women (such as memorizing the Qur’an - educational health courses - awareness workshops regarding combating gender-based violence - Pink October meetings - sports activities related to playing games for some machines commensurate with their age and needs - providing physical and occupational therapy services - providing some assistive tools in partnership with other civil institutions - and finally psychological support by carrying out recreational trips for all beneficiaries

Increasing access to the elderly in their places of residence and providing them with services in a humane manner.

2. Improving the quality and standard of life of the elderly.

3. Promoting health and social practices and behaviors of the elderly, their families, workers, caregivers, volunteers and university students in the field of elderly care.

4. Educating the elderly about their rights and how to claim them, and increasing society's awareness of the needs and rights of the elderly through various media channels.

5. Changing the negative view of the elderly and working to modify behaviors and inhumane treatment of them, respecting and honoring them

6. Activating the positive role of the elderly, integrating them into society, and benefiting from their life experiences in voluntary or paid work to serve themselves and others.

7. Monitoring the conditions of the elderly through research, studies and planning programs and projects according to the priorities of the elderly.

Providing a day club for the Aged People
Providing a sports club for the Aged People
Literacy eradication for the Aged People and Quran memorization with the support of the Ministry of Awqaf in Gaza
Vocational training for some women and men commensurate with their capabilities, such as (embroidery - food Made – shaving training - ).
Relief activities, recreational services and psychological support (health needs such as aids - providing legal advice through the legal clinic of the association to provide protection for them by combating gender-based violence
Year Established
Contact Information
Contact person
Karima Al-Ghoul
Contact person email
Al Akaber
PO Box
Sub Sectors
Mr. Eyad Heles
Sabri Al Madani
GIS Location

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