House Demolitions in Silwan

Submitted by [email protected] on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 13:36

The focus of this report will be on how the blatantly illegal policy of house demolitions has affected the residents of the Palestinian village of Silwan on the southern slopes of the Old City. This will be done through case studies and personal testimony, but in order to develop a competent understanding of the subject matter and to set the tone for the facts on the ground section 3 will provide a brief overview of the regions political and legal background. Section 4 will focus on the Judaization of Jerusalem by examining the Israeli planning laws that operate in the city and the controversy that surrounds such a biased and racist system violating Palestinians inalienable rights. Not only is such a system of planning laws in operation but the Jerusalem Municipality has also redrawn the boundaries of the city numerous times in order to include illegal Jewish settlements and Palestinian land while excluding the Palestinian population centres. This will be followed by an overview of the Israeli methods of taking over Palestinian property, most notably the Absentee Property Law 1950. Section 5 will focus on the facts on the ground in Silwan.

AL-Maqdese for Society Development
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