In the framework of the strategic plan 2017-2020, cfd plans to expand its work in Gaza with an Economic Empowerment Project for Women. The Call for Concept Notes is the first step of the application process. A selection committee evaluates the Concept Notes according to clear and transparent criteria. The short-listed organisations will then be invited to send a detailed proposal within a time-frame of approximately 3 weeks. After the final evaluation (which will include interviews with the organisations), the awarded organisation will be notified by the beginning of December 2016.
The submitted concept paper should focus on factors that help women contribute to the economic development of their local communities. This includes increasing knowledge, skills and access to financial and technical support, as well as empowering women to make and act upon decisions in order to benefit from economic growth. Proposed project activities should recognize that economic empowerment is connected with social empowerment, and take into account the underlying social and cultural factors that limit women’s ability to interact
with and benefit from markets, such as unpaid distributed domestic and family-related responsibilities, restricted movement, restricted control over assets, and gender-based violence.
Part I: Concept Note Criteria
The applicant’s project concept note should be within the below prescribed scope taking into consideration the following criteria:
1. Concept Ideas:
Economic Sector: Concept notes should be relevant to sectors that foster economic empowerment for women, as well as focus on production or services that are needed and could be marketed to the community. Innovative ideas for other economic sectors that match real market needs will be also considered.
Innovation & Creativity: Show how the project incorporates innovation and an‘out of the box’-approach.
Context & Problem Analysis: Your project description demonstrates an in-depth problem analysis, which should preferably be based on a needs assessment of labour market needs.
Impact & Desired Change: Explain how the project will reach the desired change and maintain a significant positive impact on women’s lives.
Sustainability: your proposed project activities consider sustainability factors to ensure that the project participants are able to continue activities beyond the project duration.
2. Target Group: Women from marginalized communities considering the below criteria:
- Age Group: young females (20 – 35 years)
- Background: poor families with very limited sources of income, women living in refugee camps, women with special needs, female headed households etc.
3. Project location: all Gaza Strip Governorates, particularly marginalized areas, e.g. border areas, refugee camps, areas affected by the last war over Gaza, Bedouin villages and rural areas.
4. Duration of the pilot phase: January 2017 – to December 2017
The pilot phase will be evaluated after one year after which the project duration may be continued up to the end of 2019
5. Yearly budget: up to 70,000$ USD per year, overhead cost may not exceed 20% of the overall project budget.
Part II: Organizational Capacity Criteria
I. Type of organization: Women’s Non-Governmental Organisations and other interested NGOs with defined gender-sensitive strategies as well as with qualified staff in the field of gender and women’s empowerment may apply (see criteria IV)
II. Legal status: Organisations have to be licensed and registered in Gaza and having been operating for at least three years.
III. Audit report: Organizations must have certified financial audit reports for 2-3 previous fiscal years.
IV. Economic Empowerment & Gender Equality Focus: Organization should be experienced in implementing women’s empowerment projects, be knowledgeable about gender-mainstreaming as well as having expertise in successfully implementing economic empowerment projects.
Application process:
- Interested organizations who meet the aforementioned criteria are invited to fill out the application form consisting of Part I: Concept Note Template and Part II: Organizational Assessment Template. The application form has to be submitted in word-format.
- Prepare the required annexes mentioned below as a compressed file. Complete applications consisting of filled in template and mentioned annexes should be submitted to both email addresses: [email protected], [email protected]g
- Please note that ONLY organisations with completed application forms and all below mentioned annexes will be considered
- Inquiries about the application process (questions about content will not be answered) should only be submitted in English to this email: [email protected] until latest 30 August 2016. Please note, inquiry emails received after this date will NOT be answered.
- Deadline for submitting the concept note is: 27 September 2016. Any concept notes received after this deadline will NOT be considered.
Selection Process:
Step 1: Publication of call for concept notes
Step 2: Deadline for applications
Step 3: Eligibility screening & evaluation & shortlisting by cfd & technical committee
Step 4: Launching call for detailed proposal for shortlisted applicants
Step 5: Deadline submission full proposal
Step 6: cfd field visits with interviews & selection of awarded proposal Step 7: Finalizing budget & signing contracts by December 2016